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2 Overview shutterstock 719950840


The design phase will include:

  • Establishing a more accurate view of current baseline emissions for the sector
  • Science-based emission reduction targets and a guide for achieving them
  • Finalisation of a sector wide carbon calculator that can record and log emissions data
  • Carbon accounting and reporting plan for the sector
  • Establishing a wider ‘all consequences framework’
  • Alternative business models

Road to Net Zero - Project Overview Video

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Work package 1 - Baseline emissions

Efforts have already been made to estimate the sector's emissions, but with improved data quality and quantity, we will achieve a more precise understanding of the sector's overall emissions. This work package aims to create a refined baseline of emissions, categorising them based on factors like emission range, types of work, and organisational classifications.

Recognising the pivotal role of energy demands from vehicles, machinery and equipment in the sector, accurate baseline emissions data is essential. This undertaking will offer the industry a comprehensive and consistent foundation, ensuring a unified approach to understanding emissions.

This document (download link below) is a summary of a detailed report published by EA Technology on 19 September 2023.

To obtain the original report please contact us.

Baseline Emissions Summary Report
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Work package 2 - Emission reduction targets

Following the baseline emission calculations, a shortlist of key pain points can be identified, shaping the short to medium term solutions that are likely to have the highest impact on reducing the sector’s emissions.

Recommendations will be given regarding feasible emission reduction targets. Evaluation will also be made of alternative scenarios (Baseline, Falling Short and Leading the Way) and the key factors that will impact the route available to the sector (regulatory environment, supply chain constraints, engagement from key stakeholders, innovation trials, funding / subsidy requirements, etc.) and the positive (or negative) impact of Falling Short, hitting the Baseline or Leading the Way.

This document is a summary of a detailed report published by the EA Technology on behalf of the RTNZ project team on 26 January 2024 - Emission Reduction Targets Summary Report

This document is a summary of a detailed report published by the University of Birmingham, School of Engineering on behalf of the RTNZ project team on 27 March 2024 - Cost Benefit on Net Zero Emissions Summary Report

To obtain a copy of the original reports please contact us.

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Work package 3 – Design option framework

To enable more informed and calculated decisions, the project will provide people with the right information and tools in a holistic view of complex requirements. The design options will include established and innovative technological solutions, with a focus on remote condition assessment and minimum-dig and trenchless technologies. The outcomes of interventions will form the evidence base for determining whether they are worth implementing. Adjustments may require dynamic business models to deliver intended outcomes while maintaining financial viability.

This document (download link below) is a summary of a detailed report published by the University of Birmingham, School of Engineering on behalf of the RTNZ project team on 31 October 2023.

To obtain the original report please contact us.

Design Option Framework Summary Report
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Work package 4 – Carbon calculator

The discovery phase established that there are a number of carbon calculators already used across the sector, but all different focus on specific elements.

It is our intention to combine the best of these and present them via the HAUC website so that the calculator can give consistent and comparable outputs based on common inputs.

Support the vision of a consistent and unified view of our industry through the use of a sector wide carbon calculator. For more information on the Carbon Calculator, please contact the Road to Net Zero Project Team

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Work package 5 – Consequences Framework

The ‘all consequences framework’ will be formulated for all the potential unintended consequences. This will build on the work around the “Carbon Calculator” but is a wider view of activities, which could be selected based on the scenario and the resulting effect depending on which options/models are selected.

It is the sum of all the consequences that emerge collectively from the designs which determine the value gained or lost. This will provide the scales of balance to determine how the optimum equilibrium between the natural world and the modern world can be maintained and align daily activities required to keep our modern lives running in harmony with nature.

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Work package 6 – Carbon Accounting and Reporting

One of the key challenges for the sector will be to get all utilities and LHAs working together. It is our intent to develop a charter to get commitment from the sector and then provide a community based approach to participation, collaboration and reporting, setting a plan for progression incuding encouragement and enforcement criteria.

Working together we can present a comprehensive picture of how the sector is moving towards net zero.

Read the white paper by the University of Birmingham, School of Engineering published on behalf of the RTNZ project team on 25 March 2024.

To obtain the original report please contact us.

White Paper - The Benefits of Carbon accounting
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Work package 7 – Supporting alternative business models

In any given context, the effectiveness of a design option depends on its 'business model'—weighing positive outcomes against negative ones. To precisely define these, an optioneering tool is essential. This report introduces five generic alternative business models, specifically tailored to support the sustainability transition in the streetworks and roadworks sector outlined by the Road to Net Zero (RTNZ) project's design options framework (WP5). These models aim to reduce carbon emissions through innovations in trenching, minimum dig technologies, trenchless technologies, and robotics. The report also explores corresponding changes in commercial models to facilitate the adoption of these innovations.

The Alternative Business Models presents options over key areas including traffic management, resources, vehicles and machinery, and innovations.

This document (download link below) is a summary of a detailed report published by the University of Birmingham, School of Engineering on behalf of the RTNZ project team on 31 March 2024.

To obtain the original report please contact us.

Alternative Business Models Summary Report
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Work package 8 – Promotion and Communications

Delivering the right messages to the sector is going to be paramount to getting buy-in and commitment to reducing emissions. The RTNZ project aims to develop revolutionary new ways of delivering road works and street works to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions as well as reducing other adverse consequences.

To achieve this, it is imperative the entire sector is involved in the discussion to ensure the project findings and recommendations are deliverable and supported. Therefore, throughout this project there will be regular stakeholder engagement and dissemination to seek input and collaboration.